Tuesday, January 2, 2007

New Year Celebration at Hapoli

I am just out of New Year Party hangover which lasted till wee hour of 1st of January and it would be unfair of me if I didn’t write about the New Year celebration at Hapoli in my 1st Post of this Year.

For Hapolians, this New Year eve was like any other New Year Eve elsewhere. Time to bid adieu to the year that has gone by and to welcome the New Year. Time to organize family picnics, for late night parties and for couch potatoes to channel surf the New Year special programmes on Idiot Box (is it really idiot, though?).

And this New Year eve, too, was not different. People scurrying to shop for New Year Cakes, goodies meant for late night parties and for picnic etc. However, this New Year eve, Hapolian saw some sort of amalgamation - amalgamation of young with old and of tradition with modernism. It seemed as if the entire population of the township were divided into two-young and old gathering at Donyi-Polo Ground to observe “ Donyi Polo Day, 31st being designated as "Donyi-Polo Day” and Gen-Next gathering at Wool House for an entry free New Year eve Concert, both braving the chilly weather.

This New Year Eve Entry Free Concert by a local band called “Rubber Band” has been going on for quite some years and with the support of local sponsors, it has almost become an Annual event drawing huge crowd. Centered around the theme ‘Peace and Harmony’, this New Year eve, the band crooned Bollywood hits and belted out Bollywood oldies and English hits to the delight of the audience gathered to witness the Concert. The main road around the venue of the concert was jam packed bringing the traffic to standstill and making the policemen (or was it police women) hard to divert the traffic to other route.

I’ve tried to capture the moment but due to the limitation of my camera and the visibility outside, I was only able to come up with these not so great pictures below

Performance by the band

Performance by the band

Crowd cheering the band

As the clock struck 0000 hrs, cakes were cut, mobiles rang, crackers burnt and Hapolians wished each other a very Happy New Year 2007.


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