Friday, June 15, 2007

Who will be the next Prez?

No, I’m not talking about who will be the next Prez of India but I’m talking of the photo that appeared in the lone weekly published from Ziro The Subansiri in it’s June 6th edition captioned “Who will be the next……..?”. See for yourself.

Is this what our local media left with to report, when the scribes are resolving to strengthen value based media? Will any of these candidates vying for the post of ASU (Apatani Students Union) President, who has, if I’m not wrong, spent huge amount of money for campaigning, for printing of posters, for hiring vehicles etc., indeed, work selflessly to take the Apatani Student’s fraternity ahead? Or would they just use this post to further their personal and political ambition? Well, let these two not lead the student community in a way that I apprehended about in my earlier post. And I couldn’t understand by what the scribe meant when he said, “Will they take us (who?) to the right direction let us watch and wait.” If ‘us’ is the student community, then we should indeed wait and watch if they take the student community to the right direction. But if ‘us’ is-we the Apatani community, then should we really wait and watch where they lead us-the community or should we guide them if they go the wrong way?


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