Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Arunachal Diary turns One (Updated)

It’s been a year since first post appeared on this blog. I made foray into blogosphere during the month of January 2006, but it took me nearly 7 months to decide what should I be writing about-would it be a personal account, a photo blog, etc., etc., and finally I decided why not I write about the issues related to Arunachal Pradesh? And so, I started with post on the attitude of Directorate of Higher and Technical Education towards the students while sending them for higher studies outside the state and the problems faced by them (Find it here).

Looking Back

When I started this blog, I was not sure if I could keep going on writing on this blog. A time came when I thought, that’s it, I’ m no more blogging, but support from Cho and Tallo and their contribution to Arunachal Diary and the words of encouragement from you readers kept me going.

During the year the blog sported different looks (hope you liked it) and I tried to incorporate new functionality in the blog like nav tabs (check out Home and About tab above the banner)-which is has to be made functional now.

While looking back at the posts that I did during the year, I found some posts utterly silly, some which I thought was good and some really bad. Never-the-less, below are some of the posts which I personally liked.

Callousness of Deptt. of Higher and Technical Education – the reason I liked it being the first post that I did.

Become a ‘Millionaire’ overnight

Is branding of Arunachal Pradesh a parasitic state justified?

Where do we belong…India or China?-this was what came to my mind instantly when I heard about Chinese Ambassador’s claim on Arunachal Pradesh.

I saw, I analysed and I hated it

Our feathered friends are in danger

Can Tani language become a lingua franca of Tani group?

Donyi-Poloism-Is it really an indigenous faith or an alternate form of Hinduism?

What's the Cost of Arunachal?

The Bandh Culture.

Lastly, thank you readers once again for letting Arunachal Diary cruise through a year. Do keep visiting and put in your comments.


  • Arif Siddiqui

    Congratulations. Keep up the good work.

  • AG

    Thx arif..... words from you people keeps me going.....

  • Anonymous

    Congratulations and thanks, none of the articles are silly. On the contrary each and every one of them has been excellently written, researched and authentic. I feel that you have a very broad and unbiased view about current topics and problems and provide a strong voice for Arunachal people as a whole. Looking forward to more inspiring and informative articles. Keep them coming.

  • Anonymous

    I second ATG.

    I have accessed most personal/public blogs from AP and even Northeasterners--yours is least frivolous and one of the most purposeful.
    In addition there is minimal of grammatical errors or narcissism regarding self or state evident in others.
    The maturity of the discussion(though small no. of members)is very high for a new blog--the racial hatred and invective thrown around in most forums discssing politics anywhere in the country is mercifully absent.

    Bloggers from other parts of the country should not have the mistaken notion that this is an 'anti-Indian' site as such from the topics: though I(WE?)have personal grudges against the Indian polity I have nothing much against the Indian public(with exceptions!)--in the same way they should not grudge us wanting to shape our own destiny.
    South Indians especially are always close to my heart and will remain so forever--we can learn a lot from their humility and hard work.
    Over and out.

  • AG

    Thx.. anon-..& Buru for finding my posts meaningful. Inspiring thoughts like yours keeps me going.

    Thanks once again.

  • Anonymous

    I think I should have mentioned Cho and Tallo have written some good posts too. Good teamwork!
    I have to say the maturity of discussion in these blogs is what keeps me coming back to read them.

  • AG

    Oh! how mean of me to forget Cho and Tallo, who helped me sailed through with their articles and support.

    I'd personally let Cho & Tallo know about your word of appreciation. Thx again.

  • PB

    Congratulations. The outstanding quality and objectivity of this blog is being noticed and appreciated also from abroad, hmm... at least by me (France). Keep up this useful work.

  • Anonymous

    If you don't mind are you an ethnic Arunachli and what field are you in--just asking out of curiosity its upto you to answer or ignore.

  • AG

    Thx Pascal keep coming

  • PB

    @ taka dada
    I don't mind, u're welcome. I'm not an ethnic Arunachali, only an ethnic Parisian. I'm also a social anthropologist.

  • Anonymous


    oh! nice to have u here with us then. Why dont you come over to do some studies here then--AP is one of the few places left in the world where tremendous social changes are undergoing@present with a massive generational gap.
    not welcome if an evangelical hate-monger though;)

  • savetanii

    @AG and team,
    I was off the track for some days......heartiest appreciations and congratulations for ur blog.Keep updating about the happenings in AP.I found all your post as very informative....keep it up,all the best!

  • AG

    Thx Riniyo....keep coming.

  • PB

    Thanx Taka, and I'm considering ur suggestion.

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