Then, why this advertise page?
Having said that advertising on this site is not open to advertiser's yet, in order to help itself to cover up for running and maintenance of this site and to help small businesses to advertise their products or services (kinda symbiotic relationship), Arunachal Diary is allowing limited set of individuals/small companies/small businesses/startups etc. to advertise on this site by allowing them to sponsor a 'space' to showcase their products or services at a very nominal rate.
Who are these limited set of advertiser's that can advertise on this site?
Here are some of the potential sponsor's but not limited to, who can advertise on this site:
- Tour Operators operating in Arunachal Pradesh.
- Hotels in Arunachal Pradesh.
- SSI's in Arunachal Pradesh.
- Small time entrepreuner's based in Arunachal Pradesh.
- Start Ups by an Arunachalee targetting audience at Arunachal etc.
When you say that Arunachal Diary doesn't have that no. of hits that a conventional advertiser would love to see, give me atleast three reasons on why should I advertise on your site?
- Firstly, advertising on this site is open only for businesses in Arunachal to give them opportunity to reach out to wider audience.
- Having said that it doesn't have that no. of hits a potential advertiser would like to see, the site has followers from India and abroad looking for information on Arunachal, the site being concentrated around niche Arunachal Pradesh. So, by advertising on this site there is better chance to connect with the people seeking information on Arunachal and Arunachal specific products or services than advertising on other non-Arunachal sites.
- It would be much much cheaper to advertise on this site than to advertise on other sites or to go conventional way to advertise your products or services.
How do I advertise on your site?
You can sponsor 125px x 125px space at sidebar where your banner will be placed and linked to your site.
Do I have to provide 125px x 125px banner if I sponsor a space?
Yes. However, designing of banner may be considered by us at an additional charge, if you are unable to provide the same to be put up at 'sponsored space'. For details contact or use the Contact Us form and we will get back to you.
What if I don't have my site to link the banner to?
In that case we may consider doing an advertorial post on Arunachal Diary for you, well, with an additional cost of course, where your banner would be linked to.
How much would it cost me to 'sponsor a space'?
Rest assured, it would be comparatively much much more cheaper than advertising on other sites. For details mail your query at or use the Contact Us form.
How many spaces are you allowing for sponsorship? Would the allowed space be rotating or non-rotating?
Presently, we are allowing two 125px x 125px non-rotating space for sponsorship which may go upto four later.
I'm having business outside Arunachal and my product/services are Arunachal specific, can I advertise on your site?
Yes, if you don't give a damn about no. of hits that Arunachal Diary receives.
I don't have a product/services to sell but still I want to sponsor a space to contribute towards running of Arunachal Diary so that it continues to provide updates on Arunachal, can I sponsor a space?
Well, if you are such a fan of Arunachal Diary, why not consider buying me a coffee ;), by donating using Pay Pal button below at 'Footer' section.