Saturday, February 28, 2009

CoSAAP-Government deadlock ends, agitation called off

Finally giving respite to the common masses, CoSAAP and government reached an amicable solution and the deadlock between them has ended. The solution was arrived at after 7-long hours of marathon discussion between CoSAAP representatives and the government yesterday.

Under the agreement arrived at yesterday, which was apparently arrived at after taking into the financial health of state of which Finance Minister elaborated in detail to the CoSAAP representatives, the government has agreed to

  1. Revoke ESMA.
  2. Re-instate the two terminated employees and withdraw all the charges against them.
  3. No deduction of pay for the period under agitation.
  4. Provide six month arrears in two installment instead of three with two months arrears in cash and one months arrear credited to GPF account for the financial year 2008-09 and one month arrear in cash and two months arrears credited to GPF account for the financial year 2009-10.
  5. 30 months arrear would be released to employees as and when the government receive fund from Central government for which the government is pursuing.
On CoSAAP's part, they have agreed to
  1. Call of the agitation with immediate effect.
  2. Work 7 days a week instead of 5 to make up for the loss owing to 22 days long pen & tool down strike without claiming Over Time Allowances.


  • Daachan

    Its find that there's no major changes from earlier agreement except :

    Provide six month arrears in two installment "instead
    of three"
    with two months arrears in cash and one months
    arrear credited to GPF account for the financial year 2008-09 and one
    month arrear in cash and two months arrears credited to GPF account for
    the financial year 2009-10.

    30 months arrear "would be
    released to employees as and when the government receive fund from
    Central government"
    for which the government is pursuing.

    But its agreeable, considering govt. financial crunch (As they claim).Govt.
    could have done this type of agreement earlier also and employees
    could  have been convinced, But Govt. blindly refuse to pay 30
    months arrear due to fund crunch and 6 months arrear in 3 installment
    in 3 years was what angered employees. I don't expect this "30 months"would
    be paid to employees . . . :) Lets Hope for the best... ;)

  • AG

    Yes, I was also of the opinion that this could have been arrived at earlier instead of resorting to all the tactics to subdue the agitating employees and taking 'adamant stand'. Had the financial position of state been made clear to the employee as was supposedly done yesterday instead of all this bullying tactics, we the common masses would have been spared from all this chaos.

    Now, I feel this was clever move by government or rather the Congress party to contain the discontentment of the people, considering the coming Assembly Election. I guess, after this move, people wouldn't totally turn away from their party in the Assembly Election. In fact, if to go by the report published in local daily, the worker community of the state has announced their solidarity with Congress government in coming election.

    And coming to the question of paying "30 months arrear" to the employees..well, as you've said let's hope for the best.

  • taj

    This are only cosmetic changes. I still fail to understand for what CoSAAP fought so hard while playing with emotion of State Govt. Employees.

    Watching the proceeding of 7 hour long meetings live, at which this agreement was arrived at in the local TV channel must have had devastating morale effect on the employees in general.

    An SMS is going around this days in the capital, "GBC/CEC, CoSAAP salutes you all for your courage and unity during the democratic movement. Our other rights are still left to be won. Lets gather more energy and courage for our next move. Please pass on to all..."

    Another one goes " Only fools will believe any CoSAAP any more! Please pass this on to one and all"

    I understand the last one better.

  • AG


    How I wished I too got chance to watch the proceedings of 7hour long meeting to have agreed or disagreed on your view that you arrived on the effect on morale of the employees in general; though I agree with you that whatever resolution that was arrived at is only a cosmetic.

    I guess there was no issue at all for the government or the CoSAAP to carry on the stand-off for such long or was it? Doesn't no arrear for 30 months or 30 months arrear after receiving central assistance carries the same meaning?

    Now for common mass like me, I wonder what right has been left out that has to be won for which an SMS is doing round. Well, I fail to guess.

  • taj


    A correction, the proceedings were not live but only recorded version.

    Its not about 6, 12, 30 or 36 months arrears, for that matter not even the other allowance which the employees are going to forfeit for next 10 yrs (That too if ever government of that period becomes more charitable)

    Its, why this HUNGAMA, if this was all that it should have been. The agreement reached earlier should have been quietly accepted.

    In retrospect, the event that followed were merely a waste of time, energy, resource and harassment to one and all.

  • AG


    "Its, why this HUNGAMA, if this was all that it should have been. The agreement reached earlier should have been quietly accepted."

    Well, I guess the issue was just about inflated ego's and nothing else.

  • taj


    I agree in toto...aaahh LOL

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